Friday, December 26, 2008

It's all in the perspective

A couple days ago I was talking to a friend about this last semester. I said to her, "All in one semester I broke my arm and was in a cast for two months, got sick three times, quit one job, started a new job, got in three accidents, totaled one car, got strep throat, got three ear infections, got campused twice and got silly putty stuck in my hair!" She replied with, "Here's a thought, in one semester God helped you learn to rely on Him and others, have patience for two months, healed you three times, provided the right job, spared your life three times, provided a car, gave you the grace to deal with a small campus and made you stronger." It's all in how you look at it. I was looking at all the bad cards I'd been dealt most of them a direct result of my own actions, she was looking at all the awesome results that had come. That's how it is in life. You have two choices, you can dwell on the bad cards, circumstances, you've been dealt or you can look at all the good that has come your way and all the good that will result from these circumstances. It's not always easy to find the good, sometimes you really have to look, but it's always there. It's all in the perspective. People get down and out when something bad comes their way. When really all they need to do is quit focusing on the bad and instead look up and find not only the good but also a God who is right there watching them and taking care of them. Even when things look impossible God still has control and He still know what is best. Is your glass half empty or half full? It's all in the perspective.